This Glossary page defines the structured datafields used to characterize the 9 types of Transmission Infrastructure:
It specifies:
- the meaning of each datafield,
- the measurement units in which the data should be entered,
- the format the database expects for each entry [Character String, List, Date, Float].
The fields are arranged by modules.
We first list all the fields that are common to many or all types of Transmission Infrastructure
and then those specific to a given type of Infrastructure
This module provides a way to cross-link individual units within and between categories. For example: to establish the network (coal mines, railway links, water resources and electric transmission grid) associated with a coal power plant please add appropriate entries to this table by following the menu. These units are then stored and cross-link the selected coal power plant, coal mines, railway links, water resources and electric transmission grid.
- Initiate adding a link by clicking on "Add AI" button
- Select from menu the category, type, country, state to see list of facilities already in GEO database. Clink on name of facility (if it exists in GEO) to add it as a cross-reference
- If infrastructure is not yet in GEO database, please add name and description in input box to serve as a reference
- All the placemarks, polylines and polygons defining the associated network are displayed on individual factsheets for these plants using an API to Google Maps
- Owners: List of owners with their percentage share. [Character String, A float]
- Type of Ownership: Government, Private, Joint Venture, etc. [Character String]
- Construction/EPC Contractor: List of companies that provided engineering, construction and procurement services. [Character String]
- Operator: Company that operates the facility. [Character String]
- Regulatory Authority: Name of the organization that sets regulations and monitors compliance. [Character string]
- Annual Performance Table: Tables of annual performance data are arranged by decades. Many countries report data by financial years that straddle two calender years (for example: India's financial year is April 1 to March 31). The general rule we use is to list results under the first year, for example data is listed under 2006 for financial year 2006-07. [This whole table consists of Floating point numberss]
- Plot vs. years button: This feature plots selected performance data versus years for all years for which there are data.
- Annual Operating Cost: Cost of operation of the plant. [A float]
- Annual Maintenance Cost: Cost of major repairs (not included in maintenance). [A float]
- Capital (Upgrade) Expenditure: Capital cost of all upgrades attributed to that year. [A float]
- Number of People Employed: Number of people employed that year (regulars plus contractors). [An integer]
- Major Upgrades Table: For each upgrade provide (i) Short description of the upgrade; (ii) cost of upgrade in currency selected; (iii) years over which the upgrade took place. [character string, Float, yyyy-yyyy]
- Environmental Issues Table: For each environmental issue (i) select category; (ii) Provide a short description. [List, Character string]
- Comments Table: Short comments on the data; important events in facility History or its Future; and your methods of data gathering. [A table of character strings]
- References Table: Citable references that allow readers to validate data and information. [A table of character strings]
The general structure of description of Gas and Oil Pipelines, Rail and Road Links, Shipping Lanes and Electric Power Grid is:
- Station A: Description of starting point of this segment of connector
- Connector: Description of starting point of connector
- Station B: Description of ending point of this segment of connector
- Placemarks for Stations A and B: Two placemarks labelled A and B are provide to mark station A and B. Also,, please draw the connector between them using the polyline facility and give it a name in the input box provided.
Stations A and B:
- Name: Official name of the station
- Cost and Currency The cost of this station. Also select the currency in which cost for this facility is given.
- Date Commissioned The date (yyy-mm-dd) on which this station was commissioned.
If only the year is known, example if only year 2000 is known, then 2000-00-00 is a valid date
Connector between Stations A and B:
- Date Commissioned The date (yyy-mm-dd) on which this station was commissioned.
If only the year is known, example if only year 2000 is known, then 2000-00-00 is a valid date
- Cost and Currency The cost of this connecting Infrastructure. Also select currency in which cost for this facility is given
- Name of the Pipeline: The is the name given to the overall pipeline. (Example: Nabucco Gas Pipeline) [Character String]
- Name of this Segment: The name of this segment. (Example: Erzurum-Ankara) [Character String]
- Status of Pipeline: Select from List operational status of the pipeline. [List]
- Pipeline Efficiency and Impact: Select from List the efficiency and environmental rating of this segment of the pipeline. [List]
- Pipeline Overall Rating: Check all examplary attributes of this segment of the Pipeline. [Check List]
Stations A and B
- Station Type: (i) Select the type of Station from List (iii) Give brief description of type of Station. [List, Character String]
- Total InFlow Capacity into Station: (i) The total amount of gas/oil flowing into the stations from all sources (ii) Select measurement Units from List (iii) Give brief description of sources of Inflow. [Float, List, Character String]
- Station Storage Capacity: (i) The total storage capacity of this station (ii) Select measurement Units from List. [Float, List]
- Flow into this Pipeline: (i) The total capacity of oil/gas that can be transported by this pipeline segment (ii) Select measurement Units from List. [Float, List]
Connector Between Stations A and B
- Station Type: (i) Select the type of Station from List (iii) Give brief description of type of Station. [List, Character String]
- Total InFlow Capacity into Station: (i) The total amount of gas/oil flowing into the stations from all sources (ii) Select measurement Units from List (iii) Give brief description of sources of Inflow. [Float, List, Character String]
- Station Storage Capacity: (i) The total storage capacity of this station (ii) Select measurement Units from List. [Float, List]
- Flow into this Pipeline: (i) The total capacity of oil/gas that can be transported by this pipeline segment (ii) Select measurement Units from List. [Float, List]
Performance Table
- Annual Transfer: The total ammount of gas/oil transferred by year in units specified. [Float]
- Utilization (%): The ratio of total ammount of gas/oil transferred to the design capacity as a percentage. [Float]
- Annual Total Handling Capacity: The total amount of coal that can be handled by the port. [Float]
- Total Port Storage Capacity: The total amount of coal storage capacity at the port. [Float]
- Number of Berth: The number of coal loading ship berths at the port. [Float]
- Number of Ship Loaders: The number of coal loaders at all the berths. [Float]
- Maximum Ship Loading Rate: The maximum rate at which coal can be loaded (or unloaded) at the port. [Float]
- Maximum Vessel Length: The maximum length of a coal ship that can berth at this port. [Float]
- Minimum Vessel Capacity: The minimum capacity ship that can be loaded at this port. [Float]
- Maximum Vessel Capacity: The maximum capacity ship that can be loaded at this port. [Float]
- Sources of Coal: Describe briefly where the coal comes from. [Character string]
- Coal Brought to Port By: Select from list the transportation method for bringing coal to the port and (ii) for what purpose[List, List]
Performance Table
- Annual Loading: The total ammount of coal loaded (unloaded) at this port. [Float]
- Utilization (%): The ratio of total ammount of coal loaded (unloaded) to the design loading capacity as a percentage. [Float]
- Annual Total Handling Capacity: The total amount of oil that can be handled by the port. [Float]
- Total Port Storage Capacity: The total amount of oil storage capacity at the port. Select appropriate Units[Float, List]
- Number of Berth: The number of oil loading ship berths at the port. [Float]
- Number of Ship Loaders: The number of oil loaders at all the berths. [Float]
- Maximum Ship Loading Rate: The maximum rate at which oil can be loaded (or unloaded) at the port. [Float]
- Maximum Vessel Length: The maximum length of a oil ship that can berth at this port. [Float]
- Minimum Vessel Capacity: The minimum capacity ship that can be loaded at this port. [Float]
- Maximum Vessel Capacity: The maximum capacity ship that can be loaded at this port. [Float]
- Sources of Oil: Describe briefly where the oil comes from. [Character string]
- Oil Sent To: Describe briefly where the oil goes from the port [Character String]
- Refinery Serviced: List of refineries that use this port. [Character string]
- Sources of Oil: List of pipelines that bring oil and oil products into (out of) the port. [Character string]
Performance Table
- Annual Loading: The total amount of oil loaded (unloaded) at this port (in million cubic meters). [Float]
- Utilization (%): The ratio of total ammount of oil loaded (unloaded)to the design loading capacity as a percentage. [Float]
- Annual Total Handling Capacity: The total amount of LNG that can be handled by the port. [Float]
- Total Port Storage Capacity: The total amount of LNG storage capacity at the port. Select appropriate Units[Float, List]
- Number of Berth: The number of LNG loading ship berths at the port. [Float]
- Number of Ship Loaders: The number of LNG loaders at all the berths. [Float]
- Maximum Ship Loading Rate: The maximum rate at which LNG can be loaded (or unloaded) at the port. [Float]
- Maximum Vessel Length: The maximum length of a LNG ship that can berth at this port. [Float]
- Minimum Vessel Capacity: The minimum capacity ship that can be loaded at this port. [Float]
- Maximum Vessel Capacity: The maximum capacity ship that can be loaded at this port. [Float]
- Sources of LNG: Describe briefly where the LNG comes from. [Character string]
- LNG Sent To: Describe briefly where the LNG goes from the port [Character String]
- Liquification/Gasification Plant Serving Port: List of Liquification/Gasification Plants that use this port. [Character string]
- Pipelines Connected to Plant: List of pipelines that bring LNG/R-LNG into (out of) the port. [Character string]
Performance Table
- Annual Loading: The total amount of LNG loaded (unloaded) at this port (in million cubic meters). [Float]
- Utilization (%): The ratio of total ammount of LNG loaded (unloaded)to the design loading capacity as a percentage. [Float]
Stations A and B
- Station Type: (i) Select the type of Station from List (ii) Give brief description of type of Station. [List, Character String]
- Loading Capacity: (i) The total loading(unloading) capacity of the stations (ii) Select measurement Units from List (iii) Give brief description. [Float, List, Character String]
- Station Storage Capacity: (i) The total storage capacity of this station (ii) Select measurement Units from List. [Float, List]
Connector Between Stations A and B
- Transmission Capacity: (i) The total amount moved via this Link (ii) Select measurement Units from List (iii) Give brief description of transport. [Float, List, Character String]
- Total Length of Link: The total length of this rail link (in kilometers). [Float]
- Number of Rail Lines Between AB: The number of rail lines between Station A and B. [Integer]
- Gauge of This Rail Line Between AB: (i) Gauge is a measure of the width of the track. Select from List (ii) Give brief Description. [List, Character String]
Stations A and B
- Station Type: (i) Select the type of Station from List (ii) Give brief description of type of Station. [List, Character String]
- Loading Capacity: (i) The total loading(unloading) capacity of the stations (ii) Select measurement Units from List (iii) Give brief description. [Float, List, Character String]
- Station Storage Capacity: (i) The total storage capacity of this station (ii) Select measurement Units from List. [Float, List]
Connector Between Stations A and B
- Total Length of Road Link: The total length of this rail link (in kilometers), (ii) Give Brief Description. [Float, Character String]
- Number of Road Lanes Between AB: (i)Select the number of road lanes between Station A and B from List (ii) Give brief Description. [List, Character String]
- Transmission Capacity: (i) The total amount moved via this Link (ii) Select measurement Units from List (iii) Give brief description of transport. [Float, List, Character String]
Stations A and B
- Name of the Port: Name of the port. [Character String]
- Type of Port: Select type of the port from List [List]
- Loading/Unloading Capacity: (i) The total loading(unloading) capacity of the Ports (ii) Select measurement Units from List (iii) Give brief description. [Float, List, Character String]
- Port Storage Capacity: (i) The total storage capacity of this port (ii) Select measurement Units from List. [Float, List]
Connector Between Stations A and B
- Total Length (km): The total length of this shipping lane (in kilometers), (ii) Give Brief Description. [Float, Character String]
- Average Shipping Time (days): (i)The time it takes for goods to be shipped from Station A to B along this shipping Lane (ii) Give brief Description. [Float, Character String]
- International Issues: Describe any international issues that impact shipping along this corridor. [Character String]
Description of datafields in Electric Power Grid Page:
Stations A and B
- Name of the Station: Name or reference number of the sub-station. [Character String]
- Station Type: Select type of the sub-station from List, and (ii) give a brief description [List, Character String]
- Primary Transformer Voltage: The incoming line voltage before step-up or step-down by the transformers (in kilovolts). [Float]
- Secondary Transformer Voltage: The outgoing voltage after step-up or step-down by the transformers (in kilovolts). [Float]
- Compensation VAR (kVA): The compensating reactive power that this sub-station can provide (in kilo Volt Amperes). [Float]
- Transformer Type: (i) Select from List the type of transformers (main or majority) used in this sub-station (iii) Give brief description. [List, Character String]
Transmission Line Between Stations A and B
- Line Capacity (kVA): The total power carrying capacity of this segment of the transmission line in kilo Volt Amperes. [Float]
- Line Reactive Capacity (kVAR): The total reactive power inserted by this segment of the transmission line in kilo Volt Amperes Reactive. [Float]
- Total Length of this Segment(km): The total length of this segment of the power line (in kilometers). [Float]
- Diameter of Cable (cm): The diameter of the transmission wires (in centimeters). [Float]
- Specify Cable Conductor Type: Describe the cable design and type. [Character String]
- specify Cable Material: Describe the materials used in the cable. [Character String]
- Real Line Impedance per km (Ohms): The real part of the impedence of the transmission line per kilometer (in Ohms). [Float]
- Imaginary Line Impedance per km (Ohms): The imaginary part of the impedence of the transmission line per kilometer (in Ohms). [Float]