This page defines the structured datafields used to characterize the 10 types of Fuel/Resources. It specifies
- the measurement units in which the data should be entered,
- the format the database expects for each entry [Character String, Date, Float.
We first list all the fields that are common to many or all types of Fuel/Resources
and then those specific to a given type of Fuel/Resource.
- Name: Official name of the Fuel/Resource assigned by the government/owner. [Character string]
- Country-Plant-ID: Official ID assigned to the Fuel/Resource by the government of the country. [character string]
- OpenModel-FR-ID: Unique ID assigned to the Fuel/Resource by the Openmodel collaboration.
- Select Currency for this Fuel/Resource: The default value for the currency should be the currency of the country. Users should set it to be different currency only if it is known that majority of the costs for this Facility are recorded in that currency. Once the currency has been set (by the first person providing financial data) subsequent submissions of all costs and expenses data should be converted to that currency.[Select from List]
- Latitude: Latitude of Fuel/Resource (adjust position of placemark using embedded Google Maps API). [A float between -90 to 90]
- Longitude: Longitude of Fuel/Resource (adjust position of placemark using embedded Google Maps API). [A float between -180 to 180]
- Direct Impact Footprint (polygon): Mark, using polygon feature, the boundary of the facility including supporting infrastructure, tailing ponds, etc. The polygon has dragable vertices (solid boxes) that are recorded in the database. New vertices are created by clicking on the midpoints (light boxes) and dragging them to appropriate point. Ability to delete points has not yet been implemented, so please try to not add unnecessary points.
- Design Capacity: Capacity of the Facility at the time of design (check units in the form). [A floating point number]
- Location: Provide as precise an address as possible including nearest city, state, country. [Character string]
- Distance to Nearest Road Head: Distance to nearest connection to road service. [Float]
- Distance to Nearest Rail Head: Distance to nearest connection to rail service. [Float]
- Distance to Nearest Transmission: Distance to nearest tie into the electric transmission grid. [Float]
- Capital cost: Total Cost of this facility at time of first construction in currency selected. [A float]
- Environmental Issues: List of significant environmental issues (effluents, emissions, waste produced, water impacts, noise. [Character String]
This module provides a way to cross-link individual units within and between categories. For example: to establish the network (coal mines, railway links, water resources and electric transmission grid) associated with a coal power plant please add appropriate entries to this table by following the menu. These units are then stored and cross-link the selected coal power plant, coal mines, railway links, water resources and electric transmission grid.
- Initiate adding a link by clicking on "Add AI" button
- Select from menu the category, type, country, state to see list of facilities already in GEO database. Clink on name of facility (if it exists in GEO) to add it as a cross-reference
- If infrastructure is not yet in GEO database, please add name and description in input box to serve as a reference
- All the placemarks, polylines and polygons defining the associated network are displayed on individual factsheets for these plants using an API to Google Maps
UNITS [Table]
- Units: Table to record subunits of the facility. For example individual mines, refinery units, etc.
- Capacity: Capacity of the subunit (use same units as in design capacity). [A float]
- Date Commissioned: The date on which the facility was commissioned as yyyy-mm-dd. [Date]
- Date Decommissioned: The date on which the facility was decommissioned or is expected to be decommissioned as yyyy-mm-dd. [Date]
- Capital Cost: Capital cost at construction of subunit in the currency selected. [float]
- Owners: List of owners with their percentage share. [Character String, A float]
- Type of Ownership: Government, Private, Joint Venture, etc. [Character String]
- Construction/EPC Contractor: List of companies that provided engineering, construction and procurement services. [Character String]
- Operator: Company that operates the facility. [Character String]
- Regulatory Authority: Name of the organization that sets regulations and monitors compliance. [Character string]
- Annual Performance Table: Tables of annual performance data are arranged by decades. Many countries report data by financial years that straddle two calender years (for example: India's financial year is April 1 to March 31). The general rule we use is to list results under the first year, for example data is listed under 2006 for financial year 2006-07. [This whole table consists of Floats]
- Plot vs. years button: This feature plots selected performance data versus years for all years for which there are data.
- Water Drawn: Rate at which water is drawn for all operations. [A float]
- Water Produced: Rate at which water is produced by the facility as a byproduct (total in million cubic meters per year). [A float]
- Annual Operating Cost: Cost of operation of the plant. [A float]
- Annual Maintenance Cost: Cost of major repairs (not included in maintenance). [A float]
- Capital (Upgrade) expenditure: Capital cost of all upgrades attributed to that year. [A float]
- Number Of People Employed: Number of people employed that year (regulars plus contractors). [An integer]
- Major Upgrades Table: For each upgrade provide (i) Short description of the upgrade; (ii) cost of upgrade in currency selected; (iii) years over which the upgrade took place. [character string, Float, yyyy-yyyy]
- Environmental Issues Table: For each environmental issue (i) select category; (ii) Provide a short description. [List, Character string]
- Comments Table: Short comments on the data; important events in facility History or its Future; and your methods of data gathering. [A table of character strings]
- References Table: Citable references that allow readers to validate data and information. [A table of character strings]
- Name of Gas Field Area: Short geographical and geological characterization of gas field area. (ii) Select Type of Gas Field from List. [Character String, List]
- Design Capacity: The design fuel production capacity for the whole field of (i) Gas in million standard cubic meters per year, (ii) Liquids in barrels per year. [Float, Float]
- Average Daily Gas Production: The average daily fuel production capacity for the whole field of (i) Gas in 1000 standard cubic meters per day, (ii) Liquids in barrels per day. [Float, Float]
- Gas Piped To: Select first destination of produced gas and gas. (ii) Give brief description of destination. [List, Character String]
- Number of Wells: Total number of productive wells for the whole field. [An integer]
- Drilling Technology: (i) select drilling technology from the list, (ii) give brief description. [List, Character string]
- Waste and Produced Water Management: How are waste and produced water treated and disposed. [Character string]
- Disposition of Produced Sulphur Compounds: Brief description of how sulphur and its compounds are disposed (Examples: sulphur sold as byproduct, etc). [Character string]
- Contaminants: Give percentages of listed contaminants. [Floats]
- Field Name: Itemize the various subfields of a given field. [Name is a Character string]
- Gas Production Capacity: Production capacity of that sub-field (in cubic meters per day). [A float]
- Liquid Production Capacity: Production capacity of liquids from this sub-field (in barrels per day). [A float]
- Contaminants (%): The total percentage of all contaminants in extracted gas. [A float]
- Geological Formation: Name of the geological formation in which this sub-field lies. [Character strings]
- Gas Produced: Total production for the year (in million cubic meters). [A float]
- Liquids Produced: Total production of Liquids for the year (in units of 1000 barrels). [A float]
- Gas Reserves: Total estimated reserves at the end of the year (in million cubic meters). [A float]
- CO2 Emitted: CO2 emitted by the facility (in Tonnes). [A float]
- SOx Emitted: SOx emitted by the facility (in Tonnes). [A float]
- CH4 Emitted: CH4 emitted by the facility (in Tonnes). [A float]
- H2S Emitted: H2S emitted by the facility (in Tonnes). [A float]
- Contaminants Emitted: Total weight of all other contaminants emitted to the air, land or water (in Tonnes). [A float]
- Gas Flared: Total amount of gas flared for the year (in million cubic meters). [A float]
- Water Produced: Total amount of water produced (in units of thousand cubic meters). [A float]
- Oil Field Area: Short geographical and geological characterization of oil field area. (ii) Select Type of Oil Field from List. [Character String, List]
- Oil Production Capacity: The total design oil production capacity for the whole field. (ii) Select Units. [Float, List]
- Average Daily Oil Production: Current average daily oil production. (ii) Select units. [Float, List]
- Average Daily Gas Production: Current average daily associated gas production. (ii) Select units. [Float, List]
- Oil Piped To: Select first destination of produced oil and gas. (ii) Give brief description of destination. [List, Character String]
- Number of Wells: Total number of productive wells for the whole field. [An integer]
- Drilling Technology: Select from List. (ii) Give brief description of technologies used to drill the wells. [List, Character string]
- Methods of Enhanced Oil Recovery: (i) Select from List. (ii) Give brief description of technologies used for enhanced oil recovery. [List, Character string]
- Contaminants: List, with percentages, the contaminants (Examples: CO2(20%), water(20%), S(1%), etc). [Character string]
- Waste and Produced Water Management: How are waste and produced water treated and disposed. [Character string]
- Disposition of Sulphur: How are sulphur and its compounds disposed (Examples: sulphur sold as byproduct, etc). [Character string]
- Field Name: Itemize the various subfields of a given field. [Name is a Character string]
- Recoverable Reserve: Estimate of recoverable reserve of that sub-field (in million barrels). [A float]
- Oil API Range: The range of API values of Oil produced. [Float, Float]
- Geological Formation: Name of the geological formation in which that sub-field lies. [Character strings]
- Depth Below Surface: Depth of the field below land (or water) surface (in meters). [integer]
- Number of Active Wells: Number of wells that are active. [integer]
- Oil Produced: Total production of oil for the year (in million barrels). [A float]
- Oil Reserves: Total estimated reserves at the end of the year (in million barrels). [A float]
- Gas Produced: Total production of Gas for the year (in million standard cubic meters). [A float]
- CO2 Emitted: CO2 emitted by the facility (in Tonnes). [A float]
- SOx Emitted: SOx emitted by the facility (in Tonnes). [A float]
- CH4 Emitted: CH4 emitted by the facility (in Tonnes). [A float]
- Coal Mine Area: Name given to the overall coal belt/area. [Character String]
- Type of Mine: (i) Select from List, (ii) Give brief description. [List, Character String]
- Type of Coal: (i) Select from List, (ii) Give brief description. [List, Character String]
- Grade of Coal: (i) Select from List, (ii) Give brief description. [List, Character String]
- Useful Heat Value of Coal: (i) Select from List, (ii) Give brief description. [List, Character String]
- Mode of Coal Evacuation: (i) Select from List, (ii) Give brief description [List, Character String]
- Primary Mining Method: (i) Select from List, (ii) Give brief description of mining equipment and technology. [List, Character String]
- Coal Beneficiation: (i) Select from list location of Beneficiation Plants, (ii) Primary method of beneficiation, (iii) Give brief description. [List, List, Character String]
- Source of Water: Source of water for all operations such as washing and dust reduction. [Character String]
- Waste and Produced Water Management: How is the waste and produced water managed and disposed. [Character String]
- Disposition of Tailings: How are the various solid residues/tailings treated and disposed. [Character String]
- Mine Name: Name of individual mine units in the overall complex (Examples: Pit 5 or Mine 8, etc.). [Character String]
- Caloric Value: The range of Caloric Value (heat content) of coal from this mine unit (in Mega Joules per kg of coal). The two boxes seperated by a dash are for entering lower and upper limits. If only a single number is known, please enter into first (left) box. [Floats]
- Fixed Carbon %: The range of Fixed Carbon content of coal from this mine unit (as a percentage). The two boxes seperated by a dash are for entering lower and upper limits. If only a single number is known, please enter into first (left) box. [Floats]
- Ash %: The range of Ash content of coal from this mine unit (as a percentage). The two boxes seperated by a dash are for entering lower and upper limits. If only a single number is known, please enter into first (left) box. [Floats]
- Volatile Material %: The range of Volatile Material content of coal from this mine unit (as a percentage). The two boxes seperated by a dash are for entering lower and upper limits. If only a single number is known, please enter into first (left) box. [Floats]
- Moisture %: The range of moisture content of coal from this mine unit (as a percentage). The two boxes seperated by a dash are for entering lower and upper limits. If only a single number is known, please enter into first (left) box. [Floats]
- Seam Thickness (m): The thickness of coal seam being mined (in meters). [Float]
- Seam Depth Below Surface (m): The depth below surface of this mine unit (in meters). [Float]
- Coal Produced: Total amount of coal produced in that year (in Million Tonnes (tonne=2204.6 lbs)). [A float]
- Coal Reserves: Estimate of coal reserves for this mine in that year (in Million Tonnes). [A float]
- Ash content (%): Percent of ash in the coal produced that year. [A float]
- Sulphur Content (%): Parts per million of sulphur in the coal produced that year. [A float]
- Mercury Content (%): Parts per billion of mercury in the coal produced that year. [A float]
- Other Toxic Metals Content (ppb): Total content in parts per billion (ppb) of other toxic metals (arsenic, uranium, etc) in the coal produced that year. [A float]
- CO2 Emitted: CO2 emitted due to operations of the facility (in Tonnes). [A float]
- SOx Emitted: SOx emitted due to operations of the facility (in Tonnes). [A float]
- CH4 Emitted: CH4 emitted due to operations of the facility (in Tonnes). [A float]
- Water Produced: Total volume of water produced in units of 1000 cubic meters. [A float]
- Geological Formation: A short description of the geological formation in which Uranium is found. [Character String]
- Type of Mine: (i) Select from List, (ii) Give Brief Description of type of mine. [List, Character String]
- Date Mine Discovered: Date on which the mine was first discovered. [Date yyyy-mm-dd]
- Date of (anticipated) Depletion: Date on which the mine is anticipated to be exhausted. [Date yyyy-mm-dd]
- Date Mining Started: Date on which mining commenced. [Date yyyy-mm-dd]
- Purity of U3O8 (% Range): The range of U3O8 in the ore as a percentage. [Float, Float]
- Total Mining Capacity: The annual production capacity of U3O8 and pure U (1 Tonne U = 1.18 Tonnes of U3O8) in Tonnes per year. [Float, Float]
- Number of Mine Units: How many mines are in the overall complex. [A float]
- Uranium Ore Exported to: Name of countries to which the uranium ore is exported to. [Character String]
- Uranium Ore Evacuated by: (i) method by which uranium ore is transported, (ii) destination, (iii) Name of facility to which it is transported. [List, List, Character String]
- Uranium Mill Processing capacity: How many Tonnes of U3O8 can the Mill to which the ore is exported process annually? (1 Tonne U = 1.18 Tonnes of U3O8) [A Float]
- Uranium Extraction Methods Used: Select all methods used to extract Uranium from the ore. [List]
- Source of Water: Source of water for mining and processing. [Character String]
- Waste and Produced Water Management: How is the waste and produced water managed and disposed. [Character String]
- Disposition of Tailings: How are the various solid residues/tailings treated and disposed. [Character String]
- Mine Unit Name: Name of the mine in the overall complex. [Character String]
- Production Capacity: Annual production capacity of U3O8 from this mine unit. [A float]
- U3O8 concentration (% Range): The range of U3O8 in the ore from this mine unit as a percentage. [Float, Float]
- Seam Thickness (m): The thickness of uranium seam being mined (in meters). [Float]
- Seam Depth Below Surface (m): The depth below surface of this mine unit (in meters). [Float]
- Ore Processed: Total amount of ore produced and processed in this year (in Tonnes). [A float]
- U3O8 Produced: Total amount of U3O8 produced (in Tonnes). [A float]
- Uranium Produced: Total amount of U produced (in Tonnes). [A float]
- Uranium Reserves: Estimate of remaining U3O8 reserves at the end of this year (in Tonnes). [A float]
- Design Capacity: Designed capacity of the refinery to process crude oil in units of (i) barrels per day (ii) cubic meters (i cum = 6.29 barrels) and (iii) million tonnes per year (1 tonne = 7.3 barrels). [Float, Float, Float]
- Type of Refinery: (i) Select from List, (ii) give a brief description of the type of crude the refinery processes. [List, Character String]
- Range of API of crude Processed: API range of crude processed. [Float, Float]
- Range of Sulphur in Feedstock (%): Range of Sulphur in crude processed (percentage by volume) . [Float, Float]
- Crude oil obtained from: Select from List, (ii) Give short description of major sources (countries, oil fields). [List, Character String]
- Connecting Pipelines: List of names of pipelines for bringing crude oil in and evacuating products from the refinery. [Character Strings]
- Source of Water: Source of water for processing. [Character String]
- Sulphur Management: Technology used for extracting sulphur and controlling SOx emissions. [Character String]
- NOx Management: Technology used for NOx emission control. [Character String]
UNITS [Table]
- Refinery Unit Name: Name of the sub-unit of the refinery complex. [Character String]
- Function of this Unit: A very brief description of the function of this unit. [Character String]
- Products: Give amount of a product produced as a percentage of the total production. [Floats]
- Crude Oil Processed: Total amount of crude oil processed (in Million barrels per year). [A float]
- Domestic Crude Oil: Total amount of domestic crude oil processed (in Million barrels). [A float]
- Imported Crude Oil: Total amount of imported crude oil processed (in Million barrels). [A float]
- CO Emitted: Total CO emitted (in Tonnes). [A float]
- CO2 Emitted: Total CO2 emitted (in Tonnes). [A float]
- CO2 Captured: Total CO2 captured and not released to atmosphere (in Tonnes). [A float]
- CO2 Offset: Total CO2 Offset (in Tonnes). [A float]
- Sulphur Produced: Total amount of sulphur separated from crude oil (in Tonnes). [A float]
- SOx Emitted: Total amount of oxides of sulphur (SO, SO2, SO3) emitted (in Tonnes). [A float]
- Volatile Organics Emitted: Total amount of volatile organic compounds emitted into the atmosphere (in Tonnes). [A float]
- Water Drawn: Amount of water drawn for processing (in million cubic meters). [A float]
- Water Used: Amount of water evaporated and needing treatment before discharge (in million cubic meters). [A float]
One entry per measurement: Please create a separate page (Factsheet) for each unique measurement (by same or different agency) even if it is at the same geographical location.
- Altitude Above Mean Sea Level: The altitude of this test site above mean sea level (in meters). [A float]
- Wind/Weather Patterns: Patterns that have the potential to damage the PV panels or support structures. [Check List]
- Solar Insolence Rating: The number of kilowatt hours of solar energy incident per square meter per year. [Check List]
- Potential Measured By: The name of the organization/Agency that carried out the measurements and analysis. [Character String]
- Data Available As: The time interval of the measurement data that is available from the organization/Agency that carried out the measurements and analysis. [Select from List]
- Solar Insolence (KWh/sq.m/year): Measured value of solar insolence at this site.
- Degree Heating Days: Sum over all days of the year when the temperature was below 18oC (64.4oF). For all these days add the difference in average temperature during that day from 18oC (64.4 oF) in oC. [A Float]
- Degree Cooling Days: Sum over all days the year when the temperature was above 18oC (64.4oF). For all these days add the difference in average temperature during that day from 18oC (64.4 oF). [A Float]
- Number of Sunny Days: Number of days in that year with at least 2 hours of direct sunshine. [A float]
- Annual Rainfall: Total amount of rainfall measured in centimeters. [A float]
One entry per measurement: Please create a separate entry for each unique measurement (by same or different agency) even if it is at the same geographical location.
Polygons and Polyline: Please mark the area analyzed by using the polygon and polyline features in the location module.
- Altitude Above Mean Sea Level: The altitude of this test site above mean sea level (in meters). [A float]
- Potential Measured By: The Organization/Agency that carried out the measurements and analysis. [Character String]
- Data Available As: The time interval of the measurement data that is available from the organization/Agency that carried out the measurements and analysis. [Select from List]
- Mast Height: The height above the ground at which measuring instruments were placed during this test (in meters). [A float]
- Average Wind Speed: Measured/Estimated average wind speed at 4 heights (20-25m, 50m, 75m, 100m). [A float]
- Average Wind Power Density: The average wind power per square meter at the 4 heights. [A float]
- Weibull Constant: Weibull distribution is a curve used to describe the shape of the wind velocity. Weibull Constant is the one parameter that characterizes this Weibull distribution. [A float]
- Energy Conversion Factor (%): The percentage of wind energy that is converted into useful electric energy. [A float]
- Test Start Date: Date on which the measurement of wind resource at this site was started. Enter date only in the mast height column at which the measurements were done[Date (yyyy-mm-dd)]
- Test End Date: Date on which the measurement of wind resource at this site ended. Enter date only in the mast height column at which the measurements were done. [Date (yyyy-mm-dd)]
Biomass potential pages characterize the land and assess its potential for growing biomass:
- Altitude Above Mean Sea Level: The altitude of this test site above mean sea level (in meters). [A float]
- Biomass Potential Assessed By: (i) The name of the organization/Agency that carried out the assessment of the land, (ii) Give brief description. [Character String]
- Current Soil Characterization: Select all soil types that apply to this land. [Check List]
- Current Status of Land: (i) Select from List, (ii) Type of owner from list, (iii) Describe the status. [List, List, Character String]
- Current Land Type: (i) Select the current best description of land from List. [List]
- Terrain: (i) Select terrain type from List. [List]
- Conversion Potantial to Biomass: Select the overall potential for growing biomass from the List. [List]
- Current Benefits of Land: Select all that apply to this piece of land. [List]
- Biofuel Crops Grown: Select all that apply to this piece of land. [List]
- Growing Season: Select all that apply to this piece of land. [List]
- Potential for Soil Improvement: Select the best assessment of the potential for improving the soil for biomass cultivation from List. [List]
- Source of Water: Select all sources of water that apply to this piece of land. [List]
- Irrigation Water Supply: (i) Select available or not (ii) describe the source, (iii) assessment of quantity. [Select from List]
- Biomass Waste Management: Select all forms of biomass waste management that apply to this piece of land. [List]
- Annual Rainfall: Total amount of monthly rainfall measured in centimeters. [A float]
CO2 Storage pages characterize areas/projects potential for capturing and sequestering CO2:
- CO2 Generating Plant Name: The name of the CO2 generatiing plant, (ii) Select what type of plant it is from the List, (iii) Select the fuel it combusts to produce CO2. [Float, List, List]
- CO2 Generating Plant Capacity: The total CO2 generation capacity of the plant, (ii) Select units, (iii) Select the operating status of the plant. [Float, List, List]
- Estimated Storage Capacity: The current estimate of the amount of CO2 that can be stored in this reservoir in millions of tonnes. [A float]
- CO2 Separation Technology: (i) Describe the separation technology, (ii) Select the stage at which separation takes place from the List. [Character String, List]
- Injection Amount: The total amount of CO2 that has been injected, (ii) Select the units of measurement. [Check List]
- Distance of Reservoir From Closest Source: (i) Select the distance of the closest source of CO2 to the reservoir from List, (ii) Select the method of transport between source and reservoir from list, (iii) Totoal number of sources that are/can be served by this reservoir. [List, List, Float]
Water Resources pages summarize the amount, quality and type of water resources in a given area:
- Altitude Above Mean Sea Level: The altitude of this test site above mean sea level (in meters). [A float]
- Terrain: (i) Select terrain type from List. [List]
- Current Land Use: (i) Select the uses of land in current state from List. [List]
- Water Resource Type: (i) Select types of current water resources from List. [List]
- Water Resources Assessed By: (i) The name of the organization/Agency that carried out the assessment of water resources, (ii) Give brief description. [Character String]
- Current Water Quality: Select descriptions that apply to currrent water resources from list. [Check List]
- Potential for Improving Water Quality: (i) Select assessment of the potential for improving the water quality at this site from list. [List]
- Current Status of Water Rights: (i) Select the current option for who owns the water rights from List, (ii) Give a brief description and status of the water rights [List, Character String]
- Catchment Area: Estimate of the catchment area for this water resource. [Float]
- Depth of Water Table: Estimate of the depth of water table at this site. [Float]
- Current Uses of Water: Select all current uses of water from the list. [Check List]
- Duration of Supply: Select the current assessment of the seasonal duration of supply from List. [List]
- If Seasonal: Availability During If the water supply is seasonal, Select all months during which water is available from List. [Check List]
- Source of Water Resource: Select all sources of water that apply to this piece of land. [Check List]
- Briefly Describe Water Resource: (i) Give a brief description of the water resource (ii) Select overall quality of water resource from the list. [Character String, List]
- Wastewater Impacting Supply Produced By: Select all options that produce wastewater which impacts the quality of water resource in this area. [Check List]
- Wastewater Management: Select all options that apply for how waste water is treated before release. [Check List]