The goal is to provide structured and validated data so that it can be integrated with analysis tools
Data formats include [Character String, Date, Double, Float and Integer].
Fields common to many or all types of power plants are listed first. Fields specific to an individual type of power plant follow.
- Name: Official name of the power plant assigned by the government/owner. List variations of names as a comment. [Character string]
- Country-Plant-ID: Official ID assigned to the Power plant by the government of the country. [character string]
- OpenModel-PP-ID: Unique non-editable ID assigned to the Power plant by GEO.
- Select Currency for this Power Plant: The default currency is the currency of the country. One should set it to be different only if it is known that majority of the costs for this plant are recorded in that currency. Once the currency has been set (by the first person providing financial data) subsequent submissions of all costs and expenses data should be converted to that currency.[Select from List]
- Latitude: Latitude of power plant (you can use embedded Google Maps API to set it). [A float between -90 to 90]
- Longitude: Longitude of power plant (you can use embedded Google Maps API to set it). [A float between -180 to 180]
- Direct Impact Footprint (polygon): Mark, using polygon feature, the boundary of the facility including supporting infrastructure, tailing ponds, etc. The polygon has dragable vertices (solid boxes) that are recorded in the database. New vertices are created by clicking on the midpoints (light boxes) and dragging them to appropriate point. Ability to delete points has not yet been implemented, so please try to not add unnecessary points.
- Design Capacity: Site specific capacity of the plant at the time of design in MegaWatts electric (MWe). [A floating point number]
- Realized Capacity: Official realizable capacity based on operating experience after commission. In MWe [A floating point number]
- Heat Supply Capacity: For cogeneration plants only. It is the capacity to supply heat in MegaWatts thermal. [A floating point number]
- Location: As precise an address as availabe including city, state, country. [Character string]
- Type of Plant: Select from list. [Character string]
- Electric Power Grid Connected To: (i) Name of the electric power grid[s] that this plant is connected to. (ii) Operator, (iii) numbeers of years for which PPA has been executed if relevant.[Character string, Character string, A Float]
- Name of Sub-Station Connected to: Name of substation connected to at which power is stepped up for transmission. [Character string]
- Source of fuel: A brief description of the source of the primary fuel. [Character String]
- Source of Water: A brief description of the source of water for various operations. [Character String]
- Capital cost of Plant: (i) Total Cost of this plant at time of first construction in currency selected. (ii) In US dollars if known. (iii) Year in which cost was estimated. [float, float, year]
This module provides a way to cross-link individual units within and between categories. For example: to establish the network (coal mines, railway links, water resources and electric transmission grid) associated with a coal power plant please add appropriate entries to this table by following the menu. These units are then stored and cross-link the selected coal power plant, coal mines, railway links, water resources and electric transmission grid.
- Initiate adding a link by clicking on "Add AI" button
- Select from menu the category, type, country, state to see list of facilities already in GEO database. Clink on name of facility (if it exists in GEO) to add it as a cross-reference
- If infrastructure is not yet in GEO database, please add name and description in input box to serve as a reference
- All the placemarks, polylines and polygons defining the associated network are displayed on individual factsheets for these plants using an API to Google Maps
- Capacity: Capacity of the generation unit/reactor in Megawatts of electric power. [A float]
- Date Commissioned: The date on which the unit/reactor was commissioned as yyyy-mm-dd. [Date]
- Date Decommissioned: The date on which the unit/reactor was decommissioned or expected to be decommissioned as yyyy-mm-dd. [Date]
- (Boiler, Turbine, Reactor) Manufacturer: Name of the (Boiler, Turbine, Reactor) Manufacturer. [Character String]
- (Boiler, Turbine, Reactor) Model: Model of the (Boiler, Turbine, Reactor). [Character String]
- Unit Efficiency (%): The efficiency of the unit (as a percentage) of conversion of primary energy/resource into electric energy. [A float]
- Owners: List of owners with their percentage share. [Character String, A float]
- Type of Ownership: Government, Private, Joint Venture, IPP, CPP, etc. [Character String]
- Construction/EPC Contractor: List of companies that provided engineering, construction and procurement services. [Character String]
- Operator: Company that operates the facility. [Character String]
- Regulatory Authority: Name of the organization that sets regulations and monitors compliance. [Character string]
- Annual Performance Table: Tables of annual performance data are arranged by decades. Many countries report data by financial years that straddle two calender years (for example: India's financial year is April 1 to March 31). The general rule we use is to list results under the first year, for example data is listed under 2006 for financial year 2006-07. [This whole table consists of Floats]
- Plot vs. years button: This feature plots selected performance data versus years for all years for which there are data.
- Gigawatt Hours Generated: Total electric energy generated for that year in GigaWatts. [A float]
- CO Emitted: Rate of carbon Monoxide emitted in Tonnes per Gigawatt-hour of power generated. [A float]
- CO2 Emitted: Carbon dioxide emitted in Tonnes. [A float]
- CO2 Captured: Carbon dioxide captured in Tonnes. [A float]
- CO2 Offset: Carbon dioxide offset (through credits, forestation, etc) in Tonnes. [A float]
- SOx Emitted: Rate of oxides of sulphur (SO, SO2, SO3) emitted in Tonnes. [A float]
- Methane (CH4) Emitted: Methane emitted in Tonnes. [A float]
- N2O Emitted: Nitrous Oxide (N2O) emitted in Tonnes. [A float]
- NOx Emitted: Oxides of nitrogen (NO, NO2,etc) emitted in Tonnes. [A float]
- Water Drawn: Water drawn for cooling in cubic meters. [A float]
- Water Used: Water used (evaporated) in cubic meters. [A float]
- Annual Fuel Cost: Annual cost (in currency selected) of all fuels used to power the plant. [A float]
- Annual Operating Cost: Cost of operation of the plant (not including cost of fuel for power plant). [A float]
- Annual Maintenance Expenses: Cost of repairs not included in operations. [A float]
- Capital (Upgrade) Investment: Capital cost of all upgrades attributed to that year. [A float]
- Number Of People Employed: Number of people employed that year (regulars plus contractors). [An integer]
- Major Upgrades Table: For each upgrade provide (i) Short description of the upgrade; (ii) cost of upgrade in currency selected; (iii) years over which the upgrade took place. [character string, Float, yyyy-yyyy]
- Environmental Issues Table: For each environmental issue (i) select category; (ii) Provide a short description. [List, Character string]
- Comments Table: Short comments on (i) data; (ii) important events in Power Plant History or its Future; (iii) your Methods of data gathering. [A table of character strings]
- References Table: Citable references that allow readers to validate data and information. [A table of character strings]
Datafields specific to Coal, Gas, Oil and Waste Power Plants
- Chimney height: Height of the chimney/stack from which gaseous emissions are released to the atmosphere (in meters). [A float]
- Primary Fuel: The fuel providing majority of the capacity. See list. [Character String]
- Type of Generating Units: Description of power production units and their dates of (de)commission. [Character String]
- Fuel Obtained from: Major sources of fuel (example: name of coal mines and/or exporting countries). [Character String]
- Type of Fuel: See list under secondary to select primary fuel. [Character string]
- Type of Fuel (Secondary): Select from list. [Character string]
- Source of Water: Source of water for processing coal and for the heat exchangers. [Character String]
- Mercury Control Device: Give brief description of device used to capture/reduce emissions of mercury. [Character string]
- SOx Control Device: (i) Select from list the primary device/scrubber technology. (ii) Give brief description of device used to capture/reduce emissions of SOx. [Character string]
- NOx Control Device: (i) Select from list the primary device/scrubber technology. (ii) Give brief description of device used to capture/reduce emissions of NOx. [Character string]
- Particulate (PM) Control Device: (i) Select from list the primary device/scrubber technology. (ii) Give brief description of device used to capture/reduce emissions of particulate matter. [Character string]
- Domestic Coal Consumed: Total amount of domestic coal consumed (in Million Tonnes (=2204.6 lbs)). [A float]
- Imported Coal Consumed: Total amount of imported coal consumed (in Million Tonnes (=2204.6 lbs)). [A float]
- Oil Consumed: Total amount of imported coal consumed (in kilo Tonnes Oil Equivalent)). [A float]
- Gas Consumed: Total amount of natural gas consumed (in Million standard cubic meters)). [A float]
- Heat Input: Total heat input for electric generation in GWh thermal. [A float]
- Heat Supplied: Total amount of heat supplied if this is a Cogeneration Plant (in GWh thermal). [A float]
- Mercury Emitted: Mercury (elemental, reactive) emitted in kilograms. [A float]
- Ammonia Emitted: Ammonia emitted (in Tonnes). [A float]
- Methane Emitted: Methane emitted (in Tonnes). [A float]
- Volatile Organics Emitted:Volatile organics emitted (in Tonnes). [A float]
- Particulates Emitted:Particulates (> 10 micron and < 10 microns) emitted in Tonnes. [A float]
- Ash Generated: Ash generated in Tonnes. [A float]
- Annual Fuel Cost: Annual cost (in currency selected) of all fuels used to power the plant. [A float]
- Boiler/HRSG Manufacturer/Model: Boiler is applicable to gas plants in which natural gas is burned to
produce steam which then drives a steam turbine. HRSG (Heat Recovery Steam Generator) is part of CCGT plants in which
waste heat from the Gas Turbine is recovered to drive a steam turbine[Character strings]
- Primary Fuel: Gas (Natural Gas, LNG), Naptha, Distillates etc. [Character String]
- Source of Gas: List of gas fields/countries and pipelines from which gas is obtained. [Character String]
- Source of Water: Source of water (seawater, lake, river, canal, wells) for the heat exchangers. [Character String]
- Gas Consumed: Total amount of gas consumed (in units of Million cubic meters). [A float]
- Details of generating units: Details of the technology of the generating units. [Character String]
- Cogen Mode: Steam supplied to (i) Select from list (ii) Rate in Tonnes per hour, (iii) List of customers to whom the waste steam supplied after electric power generation. [List, Float, Character String]
- Water Temperature: The temperature of geothermal water coming out of the Earth (degrees centigrade). [A float]
- Source of Injection Water: If water is being injected into wells, what is the source of this water? [Character String]
- Source of Cooling Water: Source of water for heat exchangers? [Character String]
- Sulphur produced: Sulphur produced from the Geothermal water (Tonnes). [A float]
- Water produced: Rate of Geothermal water produced (in million cubic meters per GWh). [A float]
- Water Treated: Rate of produced Geothermal water treated before discharge (in million cubic meters per GWh). [A float]
- River Dammed: Name of the river/lake/canal on which the dam is and/or whose water the hydroelectric plant uses. [Character String]
- Power production Potential at design: (i) The annual generating potential estimated at design (in Gigawatt-hours) taking into account expected water availability and downtime [A float]. (ii) The associated water head (in meters) is the difference in altitude between the intake point and the generator at which the potential was calculated [A float].
- Other Details of Generating Units: Significant details of generating units (for example Francis or Kaplan turbines). [Character string]
- Mean River Flow: The average amount of water flow at the site of the dam (in millions of cubic meters per year). [A float]
- Name of the Reservoir: Name of the reservoir formed by the dam (if the river is dammed). [Character string]
- Catchment Area: The area of drainage basin feeding the project (in square kilometers). [Float]
- Surface Area of Main Reservoir: The area of the main reservoir at full level (in square kilometers). [Float]
- Capacity of the reservoir: The (i) Gross (maximum) and (ii) Average/Typical/Live capacity of the reservoir (in million cubic meters). [Floats]
- Sedimentation Rate: The rate at which sedimentation is accumulating in the reservoir (in millions of cubic meters per year)[A float], (ii) and the impact on the dam, reservoir and generation [Character string]
- Energy Content at Full Reservoir Level: The amount of electric energy that can be generated by the stored water without any new water input (in GWh). [A Float]
- Height of the Dam: Height of the dam (in meters). [A float]
- Maximum Length of the Dam: Length at the longest point (usually at the top) (in meters). [A float]
- Width of the Dam: Width of the dam (in meters) at (i) top and (ii) bottom of the dam. [Float, Float]
- Type of Dam: (i) Select from List, (ii) Describe briefly. [List, Character string]
- Maximum height of water head: The difference in altitude between maximum water level allowed and the altitude of the turbines that creates the water pressure (in meters). [A float]
- Minimum height of water head: The difference in altitude between minimum water level (below which power generation is stopped) and the altitude of the turbines (in meters). [A float]
- Mean water flow through turbines: Rate of water flow through all the turbines in the powerhouse (in cubic meters per second). [A float]
- Pumped Storage Generation Duration (hours): The duration (in hours) for which the stored water can provide electric energy. (ii) The electric power generation capacity (in MWe). [Float, Float]
- Maximum height of water head: The time required to store water into the reservoir after it has been depleted. (ii) The amount of electric power needed to pump the water back into the storage reservoir (in MWe). [Float, Float]
- Water Management: Management of water used for electric power generation including information on race head tunnel, surge shaft, etc. [Character string]
- Annual river flow: The flow of the river at the site of the dam (in million cubic metrs). [A float]
- IAEA-ID: ID assigned by the IAEA to each reactor. [Character String]
- Primary Fuel: Type of primary nuclear fuel (natural uranium, enriched U, mixed oxide fuel, etc) used to power the reactor. [Character String]
- Refueling cycle: The number of months after which part of the nuclear fuel is replaced (in months) and amount of fuel replaced (in tonnes). [Floats]
- Source of fuel: Major sources (mine, country) of nuclear fuel. [Character String]
- Disposition of Spent fuel: How is the spent fuel disposed (stored, glassified, burried, etc). [Character String]
- Safeguards: Description of international safeguards that are being followed and the date when they where adopted. [Character String]
- Units: Provide GWh generated and capacity for each reactor individually (the capacity of a reactor can change with each refueling). Our code will automatically add GWh from each unit to give total GWh generated per year for the plant. Floats]
- Fuel replaced: Amount of nuclear fuel replaced in that year (in tonnes). [A float]
- Total spent fuel in Cooling Tanks: The total amount of spent fuel stored in cooling tanks to get rid of short lived radioactive products (in tonnes). [A float]
- Diesel Engine/Boiler: If the unit is a reciprocating diesel engine then give its manufacturer and model. If it is thermal power plant run on oil, then give manufacturer and model of the boiler. [Character strings]
- Units: List different stages of the development of a solar farm or the group of solar panels of a given model as separate
units in the units table
- Number of panels: The total number of solar panels. [Integer]
- Peak Capacity: The total (peak) generation capacity of solar panels constituting this unit (under peak solar insolation). [A float]
- Panel Type: The type (crstalline, poly-crystalline, thin film, concentrating, etc) of solar collectors. [Character String]
- Panel Model: The model of solar collectors. [Character String]
- Panel Manufacturer: Name of the manufacturer of solar collectors. [Character String]
- Details of Type and Manufacturer of panels: Additional details on type and manufacturer of panels. [Character String]
- Power Storage System: (i) Select from List, (ii) Describe, if any, the energy storage system attached to the PV farm. [Character String]
- Grid feed in tariff: Price per MWh at which utility companies are mandated to buy electric power generated by this PV farm. [Character String]
- Backup Power: (i) Select from List, (ii) Describe what associated power units provide backup power. [Character String]
- Area occupied by Collectors: The total area occupied by the collectors (choose units sq feet or sq meters). [A float]
- Future development Plans: Summary of future development plans. [Character String]
- Units: List different stages of the development of a solar farm or the collection of solar panels of a given model as separate
units in the units table
- Number of panels: The total number of solar panels. [Integer]
- Peak Capacity: The total generation capacity of solar panels constituting this unit (under peak solar insolation). [A float]
- Panel Type: The model and type of solar collectors. [Character String]
- Panel Manufacturer: Name of the manufacturer of solar collectors. [Character String]
- Details of Type and Manufacturer of panels: Additional details on type and manufacturer of solar collectors. [Character String]
- Type of Heat Collecting Element: Description of system used to collect the heat focused by the mirrors. [Character String]
- Type of heat transfer fluid: Fluid used to transfer the heat to storage system or steam production in the power generation unit (moltern salt, DOWTHERM A, etc. [Character String]
- Power Storage System: Describe, if any, heat storage system is associated with the plant. [Character String]
- Type of turbine: Model and manufacturer of turbine used to generate power. [Character String]
- Grid feed in tariff: Rate at which utility companies are mandated to buy electric power generated by this plant. [Character String]
- Backup Power: (i) Select from List, (ii) Describe the associated power units that provide backup power. [Character String]
- Area occupied by Collectors: The total area occupied by the collectors (choose units sq feet or sq meters). [A float]
- Future development Plans: Summary of future development plans. [Character String]
- Primary Fuel: Forms of waste burned (Bagasse, wood waste, waste oil, etc.). [Character String]
- Fuel Consumed: Total amount of waste materials consumed (in Million Tonnes (=2204.6 lbs)). [A float]
- Units: List different stages of the development of a wind farm or the group of wind turbines of a given model as separate units in this table
- Peak MWe per Turbine: The maximum capacity of EACH turbine under design conditions (in Megawatts). [A float]
- Hub Height and Rotor Diameter: The height of the mast (hub) (in meters) [A float] and diameter of the rotor blades (in meters)[A float].
- Wind to Electric Efficiency (%): The percentage efficiency with which wind energy is converted to electric energy at this site for these turbines [A float].
- Designed Power Production Potential: (i) The annual generating potential (in Gigawatt-hours) estimated at design taking into account number of hours the wind is expected to blow, (ii) average velocity over the year (in meters per second), (iii) and mast (hub) height (in meters).[A float]
- Backup Power: What infrastructure provides backup power. [Character String]